
'Alien: Covenant' release date, latest news: Michael Fassbender to play two different androids in upcoming 'Alien' movie

Katherine Waterston as Daniels in "Alien: Covenant" promo still. | 20th Century Fox

20th Century Fox's prequel-sequel to the "Alien" horror film franchise titled "Alien: Covenant" is arguably one of the most highly anticipated franchise movies set to launch in 2017.

It is widely known that the first "Alien" prequel movie "Prometheus" had a polarizing effect among the franchise's fans. However, regardless of whether they disliked or adored the film, most of them would agree that Michael Fassbender's stellar performance as the dark and sinister android, David, was one of the film's selling point.

Hence, it does not come as a surprise how many "Alien" fans were so ecstatic to find out that Fassbender will not only be returning in "Alien: Covenant" as the android David, but he will also be playing an entirely different android named Walter.

In a recent interview with Coming Soon, Fassbender talked about his participation in "Alien: Covenant." He also spoke about reprising his role as the work-in-progress android named David, while also portraying a new-and-improved android named Walter. Despite looking virtually the same, the two androids, according to the actor, are essentially different.

"I think Walter's a real different kettle of fish," Fassbender revealed. "David was definitely a work-in-progress, somewhat of a prototype I suppose. The elements of him that were the human elements I think people found a little disturbing, so Walter's more of a straightforward robot. Pretty logical, much more of a servant without the ego," the actor went on to say.

According to Slash Film, it is still unclear how exactly David will be crossing paths with the crew of the Covenant in the upcoming "Alien" movie. Based on the film's official trailer, the older android model may be on the planet Covenant, and all the while, he has busied himself with experimenting.

Although it is still unknown how David fits into the upcoming movie, Fassbender's performance will surely be just as chilling as it was in "Prometheus," according to the media outlet, especially since he will be playing two different roles.

The much-awaited movie "Alien: Covenant," directed by Ridley Scott, is scheduled to hit theaters on May 19, 2017.