
Anne Graham Lotz: How Christians can help heal the nation

Evangelist Anne Graham Lotz enumerated at least four ways ordinary righteous people can do in the face of the threatening anarchy that's grappled the nation.

The daughter of the renowned preacher, Billy Graham, shared her thoughts on her blog Monday as she watched the violent scenes that have been playing out in the U.S. for the last weeks. These included the deaths of African-Americans at the hands of white police officers and the targeted deaths and shootings of white cops by African-Americans.

Screenshot of Anne Graham Lotz taken from her official YouTube website as she talked about her new book "The Daniel Prayer" | YouTube/AnneGrahamLotz

"What are we to do? Is there anything ordinary, good people can do?" Lotz penned down her own questions for the Lord.

The 68-year-old founder of AnGel Ministries and author of 11 books said the answers then came to her when she prayed.

Prayer, Lotz said, would be the first thing Christians can do right away.

She quoted Paul who challenged fellow believers in Ephesians 6:18, "With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying."

"It's time for you and me to establish a set-aside time of consistent, daily prayer," said Lotz.

Even as Lotz believed that America's wicked ways – particularly its three national sins she listed as abortion, abandonment of Israel, and the homosexuality agenda – have brought it to "deep, deep trouble," she asserted that America's still "not too far gone" and can still return to God through prayers.

Next, Lotz urged Christians to "pick up the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God" just as instructed by Ephesians 6:17. She added that reading God's Word every day would strengthen one's faith.

"But don't just read it," said Lotz and added, "Apply it. Obey it. Live it out."

The third thing Christians can do would be to "pursue righteousness" which translates to standing up for the "right thing" or the values of justice, truth, kindness and love.

Finally, Lotz reminded Christians of their Great Commission to proclaim Jesus.

"Be ready at a moment's notice to share the Gospel and give a reason for the Hope that is within you," she said.

For her parting words, Lotz urged Christians not to let evil win by doing nothing.

"Please," she implored. "Don't do nothing. Do something!"