
Duggar family latest news: Josh Duggar cut from sister's TV wedding special

A photo of Josh Duggar, as he spoke at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa on May 28, 2015. | Reuters/Brian Frank

The famous Duggar family's oldest child Josh Duggar attended the wedding of his sister Jinger Duggar with Jeremy Vuolo last November, but he was completely invisible in the family's reality TV show "Counting On" wedding special.

According to the Daily Mail, after his molestation scandal, the 28-year-old Josh was reportedly banned from appearing on TLC shows. Hence, in the TLC special of Jinger's wedding in the revamped reality TV show "Jill & Jessa: Counting On," all of her siblings were featured except for Josh.

However, Josh was indeed present during the wedding and was even seated in front of the altar in the second row, which meant considerable efforts were taken by the production team in making sure he stayed out of the spotlight.

Through a combination of meticulous editing, strategic camera angles, and by hiding his own face behind a small child, TLC managed to successfully air their TV special of the reality show without breaking their commitment to completely ban Josh from making appearances in the network.

Aside from Jinger's wedding, Josh also remains present in other important family events. As reported by The Bit Bag, Josh had celebrated Thanksgiving Day with the Duggar family. His wife Anna and his kids were also present during the celebration. The Duggars posted pictures on their official Facebook page, expressing their love and concern for him.

"As I look around the room, I am so deeply touched by God's love, His forgiveness, His kindness, His provision, His mercies and His tenderness toward each of us. God's willingness to redeem us through Christ, in spite of all our failures and imperfections, is so humbling and fills my heart with tremendous gratitude," Michelle Duggar wrote on Facebook.

In spite of the forgiveness and acceptance of his own family, it is still unlikely that the coming season of "Counting On" will put Josh back into the limelight. The show has, so far, focused on the courtship between Joy Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth.