Former abortion doctor's testimony to Congress: 'I am a mass murderer'

Dr. Kathi Aultman appears in a screen capture of a video of her Congressional testimony in support of the Heartbeat Protection Act of 2017. | YouTube/prolifeinformation

A former abortionist testified in front of a Congressional committee on Thursday to share her experience on how she became pro-life after having performed abortions in the past.

Dr. Kathi Aultman, a board certified Ob-Gyn and a fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), appeared in front of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee on Thursday to urge lawmakers to pass the Heartbeat Protection Act of 2017.

The bill would make it illegal for physicians to perform abortions on unborn babies with beating hearts. According to Life Site News, Fetal heartbeats begin at 21 days after conception and can be usually heard by parents at six or eight weeks into pregnancy. The legislation does not contain an exception for babies conceived in rape or incest.

At the hearing, Aultman testified that she once believed that the availability of abortion was based solely on women's rights, and recounted how she had moonlighted as an abortionist while she was still a medical student.

She described the "tiny but perfectly formed limbs, intestines, kidneys, and other organs" of the aborted babies that she saw under microscopes.

Aultman explained that she had referred to the babies she had aborted as "fetuses," while she called the ones she had delivered "babies."

"I love to meet adults that I delivered, but it's always bittersweet because I am reminded of all the people I will never meet because I aborted them. It also reminds me that I am a mass murderer," Aultman told the committee, as reported by Life News.

Later in her testimony, she narrated that she once had a patient who appeared to be apathetic about her abortion, and another who displayed "hostility" by saying, "no, I just want to kill it" when asked if she wanted to see her baby. She also recalled how one patient, who already had four born children, cried throughout the abortion.

"What struck me was the apathy of the first patient and the hostility of the second towards the fetus, contrasted with the sorrow and misery of the woman who knew what it was to have a child," she said.

Aultman said that she became pro-life after seeing young women who chose to keep their baby as opposed to women who struggled emotionally after aborting their babies. "I don't believe a woman can remain unscathed after killing her child," she added.

Before the hearing began, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tennessee) read a statement from ACOG distancing itself from Aultman's testimony. "Her testimony does not represent" our views, the ACOG statement said, according to Life Site News.

The lawmakers were also shown an ultrasound video, that featured an 18-week old baby named Lincoln Miller. The video, which was taken just hours before the hearing, showed the pulsing heart of the infant.