
Franklin Graham urges Christians to vote, says 2016 elections are the 'most critical in our lifetime'

Franklin Graham, son of famed evangelist Billy Graham, has encouraged Christians to vote in this year's U.S. presidential elections, because he considers the coming election as the "most critical in our lifetime."

"I'm not telling people who to vote for, but I am telling Christians to vote. I believe the election coming up in November is the most critical in our lifetime — so much hangs in the balance," he posted on Facebook.

Franklin Graham during his Decision America tour at the Nebraska State Capitol Building in Lincoln, Neb. | Wikimedia Commons/Cornstalker

Graham told Christians to encourage their friends and family to be informed about the candidates' platforms. Although he did not endorse a particular candidate, he referred to a page on the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) that highlighted the differences between Democrats and Republicans.

"The question to ask is which one most closely aligns with biblical values," he added.

The website listed several key issues and gave a brief explanation about each party's position on the issue. Some of these include the sanctity of human life, marriage, religious freedom, federal judges, national defense, terrorism and immigration.

The younger Graham launched the Decision America Tour earlier this year as an effort to inspire Christians to vote. During his visit to Louisiana, he expressed his dissatisfaction with the two major political parties.

"I have zero hope in the Democratic Party but before you Republicans start high-fiving each other, I have zero hope in the Republican Party — or any other political parties. The only hope for our nation is the Almighty God," Graham announced.

While Graham has not endorsed anyone, he told Christians to vote for a candidate that will listen to them and give them a voice. Although Graham attended Donald Trump's closed door meeting with 900 pastors and political leaders last June, he insisted that he is not endorsing Trump.

The September issue of Decision magazine published by BGEA will feature the contrasting platforms of Hillary Clinton and Trump. Mark DeMoss, the spokesman for BGEA revealed to The Christian Post that the magazine had published election-themed editions in the past.