
'Mass Effect: Andromeda' release date news, update: romance options to be featured? 21:9 resolution support confirmed

"Mass Effect: Andromeda" promo image | BioWare

"Mass Effect: Andromeda" will come out in a few weeks' time and preorders and predownloads are already available for enthusiasts. While waiting for the release of the title, game producer Michael Gamble made the fans more excited about the title.

Gamble made everyone curious about the features of "Mass Effect: Andromeda," especially with regard to its romance storyline. One enthusiast took it to Twitter and asked Gamble if it is possible to have a romance possibility in the title, to which he replied with, "So many. And the banging is pretty good."

The question pertains to the popular meme of Commander Shepard, who has cut voice scenes that say, "We'll bang, okay?"

What the fan asked is timely, especially with regard to the main characters of "Mass Effect: Andromeda" since the Ryder twins are given the spotlight in the game. And it seems that the new main protagonists have romantic involvements since they are searching for a new place in which to reside in the Andromeda Galaxy.

A few romance options were already seen in the BioWare titles so it is highly expected that "Mass Effect: Andromeda" will have the same feature. The twins may be involved with a familiar face, or be acquainted with new ones.

Meanwhile, BioWare's Aaryn Flynn also revealed new details about the upcoming title. He stated that the game's PC version will support high dynamic range (HDR). This is good news for all PC owners who already have the technology in the system. Furthermore, Flynn confirmed that 21:9 resolution will also be supported.

"Mass Effect: Andromeda" is scheduled to come out on March 21. PlayStation 4 (PS4) and PC players can already opt for the preorder and predownload copy via the PlayStation Store and the Origin. Xbox One players can visit Microsoft Store to get their own copy.

It is important to note, though, that the game may need a hefty amount of free space for download as it is believed to be a massive game. Players are recommended to predownload the title or they may suffer hours of download time due to busy servers.