Missouri's Lt. Governor Says Justice Dept. More Racist Than St. Louis Area

Supporters of Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson hold signs in protest. | (Photo: Reuters/Adrees Latif)

Missouri's lieutenant governor has spoken out regarding a recent Justice Department report that notes racial bias in the police department and local court system of Ferguson, a suburb of St. Louis.

Lt. Governor Peter Kinder said in a recent interview with Steve Malzberg of NewsmaxTV that the recent report written by the Justice Department was backed by "hard-left radical liberal leftists" and does not paint an adequate picture of the St. Louis area. 

Kinder argued that the Department of Justice report is more racist than the alleged racial bias taking place in Ferguson and St. Louis, as the report claims.

"The whole blow up of this protest movement was based on the lie that never happened of hands up don't shoot," Kinder told Malzberg.

"But it's bad enough the protestors were behaving that way but we have a right to expect more from the attorney general, the head of the Justice Department of the United States, and the president of the United States," Kinder continued.

 "[…] instead what we got too often from them was incitement of the mob, and, encouraging disorder in Ferguson and distributing the peaceable going-about of our lives in the greater St. Louis region."

Last week, two Ferguson police officers were shot by a protester after the Department of Justice report was released and Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson announced he would be stepping down from his post.

"At some point the protesters need to give us a respite," Kinder continued.

"There is more racism in the Justice Department than anywhere I see in the St. Louis area," he said. "We've come an enormous way in 50 years, that's not to say that we don't have still more to do. It is the left, it is the Eric Holder and the Obama left and their minions that are obsessed with race while the rest of us are moving on beyond it."