
American teens very active in volunteering for church & ministries, homeless outreach, education - Barna poll

A new study conducted by Barna suggests that a majority of teens are highly engaged in youth ministries and volunteer projects. The findings show that 68 percent of teens volunteer their time to church services and programs at least once every few months.

The survey was conducted among parents of teenagers, senior pastors and youth pastors of Protestant churches.

Young man at an orphanage in India | Wikimedia Commons/Michael Masukawa

Among the volunteers, 17 percent of teens do it once a week. 25 percent volunteer at least once a month while 25 percent do it once every few months. 32 percent volunteer less often than others.

Church and ministry ranks the highest, at 42 percent, among the programs that teens involve themselves in. Feeding the hungry and helping the homeless comes second at 35 percent. Education ranks third at 31 percent followed by environmental programs at 28 percent.

When parents and pastors were asked about the most important goal of a mission trip, loving and serving others ranks first. 74 percent of pastors and 56 percent of parents say it is the most important. Being the hands and feet of Jesus comes second with 56 percent for pastors and 40 percent for parents.

On the importance of sharing the gospel, 69 percent of youth pastors consider it very important. 23 percent say that it is somewhat important. Only 8 percent think that it is not very important.

81 percent of youth pastors say that a follow-up to a mission trip is important to teenagers.

A majority of parents believe that mission trips have a long-lasting effect on their adolescent children. 74 percent say that the trips made a lasting impression. 24 percent think the trips probably made an impression while only 2 percent believe that it has no effect.

The poll was conducted in partnership with Youth Specialties and YouthWorks. Youth Specialties provides trainings, seminars and conventions for youth ministry workers. YouthWorks organizes mission trips for students and adult leaders across North America every summer.