Saudi Arabia Upholds Lashings, Imprisonment for Liberal Blogger
The highest court in Saudi Arabia recently ruled to uphold the strict sentence for liberal blogger Raif Badawi that includes lashings and imprisonment.
Badawi was charged in 2012 for insulting Islam through his blog the Liberal Saudi Network, which encouraged discussions regarding religion and politics. Following his charge, he was subsequently sentenced to 1,000 lashes, a $266,060 fine and 10 years imprisonment.
The blogger's wife, Ensaf Haidar, told BBC news recently that she fears her husband's harsh floggings will resume in the near future.
Badawi received 50 lashes earlier this year but his punishment has since been postponed pending the court's decision.
Amnesty International's Middle East and North Africa Director, Philip Luther, denounced the court's decision in a recent statement.
"Blogging is not a crime and Raif Badawi is being punished merely for daring to exercise his right to freedom of expression," Luther said.
"By failing to overturn the sentence Saudi Arabian authorities have displayed a callous disregard to justice and to the tens of thousands of voices around the world calling for his immediate and unconditional release," Luther said. "Now that his sentence is final and cannot be revoked, his public flogging might start as soon as Friday and he will unjustly serve the remaining of his sentence. The court's decision casts a further stain on Saudi Arabia's already bleak human rights record."