
'Stranger Things' season 2 release date news, updates: Shawn Levy says 'Pressure is on'

Still of Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven from Netflix's "Stranger Things" | Screenshot: Netflix's Official YouTube trailer for "Stranger Things"

Netflix's "Stranger Things" was a surprise hit for the streaming company. The Duffer Brothers series has been making a lot of rounds online, and fans are eagerly awaiting the second season's arrival. Director and producer Shawn Levy comments on the second season and the pressure that's falling on the showrunners as the show gets more popular.

In an interview with Southern California Public Radio, Levy explains that, "Yes, the pressure is on. It would be so blatantly disingenuous of me to say differently. It's scary to have people love something this much. It becomes impossible to banish all thoughts of not wanting to disappoint."

He goes on to say the factors that would either please or displease the audiences. He says that doing a season which feels the exact same thing as the first one would disappoint the audience, and at the same time, doing something completely different won't please them either.

Reports say that the Duffer Brothers are looking at the work of James Cameron and how he handles sequels. They said, "One of the reasons his sequels are as successful as they are is he makes them feel very different without losing what we loved about the original. So I think we kinda looked to him and what he does and tried to capture a little bit of the magic of his work."

Cameron has worked on sequels like "Aliens" and "Terminator 2" which have solidified his place in pop-culture, so it's no wonder the brothers try to learn from his style it comes to working on season two of "Stranger Things."

A lot of the first season was said to be heavily influenced by horror writer Stephen King, so the presence of influence from Cameron is surely to be interesting for the series.

The second season of "Stranger Things" is said to start production sometime next month and it's set to air on Netflix next year.