
'Daredevil' season 3 release date, updates: Kingpin actor Vincent D'Onofrio knows when Kingpin will return

A promotional image for the Netflix series "Daredevil" | Facebook/Daredevil

One of the most praised elements of the first season of Marvel's "Daredevil" was the incredibly compelling and violent villain known as Wilson Fisk aka The Kingpin.

The role was put to life by actor Vincent D'Onofrio and while he was out promoting the film "The Magnificent Seven," he answered some questions that fans have been dying to ask.

In an interview with LRM, D'Onofrio was asked whether he knew when Kingpin was showing up again. He answered, "That I can't answer. I do know, but I can't answer... So take that how you will. Jeff and Charlie (Cox) and Netflix love Kingpin, and so, Kingpin is good for Marvel's television stuff and I think they agree."

With "Daredevil" season 3 rumored to arrive in 2018, D'Onofrio may be making a return in 2017's "Iron Fist" or "The Defenders." The last time fans saw him was in the second season of "Daredevil." Though Fisk had been brought to jail by Daredevil (Charlie Cox), he found a way to control the prison himself, and he even orchestrated the release of Frank Castle aka The Punisher.

Marvel series had always been casting memorable villains in their roles. Most of the villains in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have lived only for one movie, and they are easily forgettable. With the Netflix shows, audiences get completely well-rounded villains that are very memorable and compelling to watch.

The character of the Kingpin originated in the "Spider-Man" comics, and has since moved on to bigger roles in the Marvel Universe. He is essentially a mob boss who has all the dirty work done by his goons, but when the going gets tough, Wilson Fisk has proved that he is an able-bodied fighter whose huge size doesn't hinder his strength or speed.

"Daredevil" season 3 is rumored to arrive in 2018.