
'Fallout 4' Mods latest news, updates: Bethesda reveals new mod guidelines; Nexus mods to offer improved weapons and facial expressions

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In an effort to prepare gamers in using the mods created by the "Fallout 4" player community, Bethesda has recently released an updated version of mod guidelines on their official website.

According to the list from Bethesda, the guidelines are pretty straight forward. Mods should be directly uploaded by the creator instead of a third party, and it must be of a high quality. To get feedback from the community, creators must tell other players to tag early builds with a flag indicating that it's a work in progress. Additionally, the developer mentioned several examples on how to make sure that the mods are noticed on Bethesda.net. An in-depth guide on how to keep mods from being removed on the site was also released. The full list of the do's and don'ts can be viewed on their website.

Earlier this week, new "Fallout 4" mods were released via Nexus Mods that offer improved quality for each character and weapon. Some creators/modders even posted video clips of their work, and one of them previewed new holstered weapons for players to try. Created by a modder named Azarkiowa, the Weapon Holster Mods' purpose is to let wastelanders holster their weapons, both on female and male characters.

Another interesting weapon mod is the Varmint Rifle, which was originally a part of the "Fallout: New Vegas" installment. Modder Asxas brought it back to "Fallout 4," with a YouTuber named FappaR helping with its visual presentation. Despite being a good long-range weapon, the Varmint Rifle is not a very popular choice among players because it yields low damage.

Meanwhile, one modder created the Natural Expression Fix  that gives characters a more realistic look instead of the usual cartoon-like features. According to the creator, the mod also offers different levels of quality players can choose from.