
Holly Bobo Murder Case News Latest: Shayne Austin, Suspect Turned Key Witness, Commits Suicide

Holly Bobo is shown in one of her personal photos that appeared on YouTube. Inset at left is an image of Shayne Austin, a suspect and also a key witness in the murder case. | YOUTUBE

A man who was named as an initial suspect in the disappearance and death of 20-year-old Florida nursing student Holly Bobo and, later, a key witness with immunity in the case, committed suicide on Feb. 23, authorities disclosed.

Until his death, Shayne Austin, 30, had maintained that he had nothing to do with Bobo's disappearance or murder, according to his attorney, Luke Evans.

Bobo disappeared on her way to school in April 2011. Her remains were found three years later in September 2014 in Decatur County, Tennessee.

Austin started cooperating with investigators in March 2014. In exchange, he received immunity from prosecution. The agreement was reached when he indicated that he had knowledge of where Bobo was buried and would provide that information to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.

Under the agreement, Austin would not be prosecuted for helping others dispose and bury Bobo. But if he lied or actively participated in Bobo's murder, his immunity would be revoked.

Evans, Austin's attorney, said a few days after the immunity deal was made, the Tennessee state authorities tried to cancel it and indict him. As a result, Evans filed a civil suit asking for enforcement of the immunity deal and a restraining order to prevent further attempts at indicting him.

This civil suit was still pending before his client's death, Evans said. However, Fox News reported that the State of Tennessee had revoked Austin's immunity and that he was about to be indicted.

Evans also said Austin was a victim because of "what happened to Holly Bobo, and the investigation on many levels."

He added that his client "provided full cooperation to the government at every turn and he was absolutely just torn up that he had been included in a group of people that allegedly had something to do with what happened to Holly Bobo."

Two men have so far been charged in relation to Bobo's kidnapping and murder: Zachary Adams and Jason Autry. In addition, John Dylan Adams was also charged with rape. All three have pleaded not guilty.