
'One Piece' chapters 849, 850 spoilers, plot news: Brook takes on Big Mom; Reiju struggles against unknown enemy

"One Piece" is a long-running manga series written by Eiichiro Oda and has been serialized on the "Weekly Shounen Jump" magazine since 1997. | Viz official website

It's the night before the wedding and everything seems to be coming to a head. Luffy and Nami have been taken captives; Brook has just raided Big Mom's Room of Treasure with unfavorable results; and Sanji's sister, Reiju, seems to have been caught in a battle of her own.

"One Piece" chapter 849 did, however, give fans a sliver of hope when Chopper and the bunny mink, Carrot, succeeded in defeating Brûlée and her henchmen, thus taking over the Mirror World. The upcoming chapter 850 may see the two of them using the mirrors to travel through the entire island and search for their comrades.

Things are not looking so well for Brook, though, since he has just found himself at the mercy of Big Mom's admiring eyes. Is the Soul King about to be added to the Charlotte matriarch's growing collection of interesting and rare creatures? Or will he put up a good fight and find a way to pull a fast one on Big Mom, if not defeat her completely?

Pedro also finds himself in an almost similar situation when the next chapter of the Japanese manga series comes out. However, tamago has no intention of collecting Pedro, just as the jaguar mink has no intention of leaving Totto Land alive. It seems that a death match is about to ensue between the two rivals.

There's commotion going on all throughout the chateau and Sanji has no interest in joining in. Instead, he busies himself cooking a meal for his bride-to-be, Pudding, whose whereabouts is currently unknown. Chapter 849 ended with an injured Reiju, struggling down a hallway. What could have happened to her? Does it have anything to do with Pudding's plans? Has Reiju decided to help her brother escape once more, despite her initial reluctance to rebel against her family?

There have been speculations about Pudding taking her own life and how this can potentially lead to a huge fight between Big Mom and Luffy. The Vinsmokes do not seem completely sold on the idea of aligning with the Charlottes, unless they get something significant out of it. Now that the wedding is as good as cancelled, whose side will they be taking?

The next chapter of "One Piece" will come on the "Weekly Shounen Jump" magazine on Monday.

Meanwhile, the series' editor, Naoki Kawashima, has reportedly confirmed via "School Jump" live stream that February 2017 will see the Straw Hat Pirates facing yet another Yonko in the form of Kaido, the strongest pirate in the world.