
'Pokemon Go' tips & tricks update 2016: Tracking Pokemon with PokeVision, PokeEye and PokeMesh worth the risk?

Since Niantic launched the hit augmented reality game "Pokémon Go," more and more players have jumped on the bandwagon. However, some fans have resorted to dishonest means to accomplish the goal of the game.

The rise of Niantic's "Pokémon Go" paved way for third party applications and cheating applications. The game developers have implemented tighter security features. Sources said that Niantic is preventing jailbroken or rooted devices from participating in the game. These mobile users are not allowed to play the game to prevent them from using trackers and third party apps.

"Pokémon Go" logo. | Official Pokémon Go Website

Among the third party "Pokemon Go" trackers, a few have stood out from the rest. In particular, PokeEye, PokeVision and PokeMesh are immensely popular among gamers.

Basically, PokeEye and PokeVision have the same features. Both apps provide users with a map of their current location. Furthermore, the map shows all the Pokémon that are present in the area. The creatures identified on the map are shown in real time, which means that players can catch the identified Pokémon at the marked areas as soon as they show up on the map.

Furthermore, PokeMesh also has a similar feature. The application also provides players with a map of the local area and the Pokémon that can be found in the locality. Moreover, the app will also mark the gyms and the PokeStops that can be found within the area.

Using any of the aforementioned apps is very risky. Players who are caught by the developers can be banned permanently from playing the game. Niantic has banned users and will continue to do so. Eventually, the developers will come up with better ways to detect cheating and to enforce their policies.

Although the clean and safe way of playing the game is rather tedious, that is the essence of playing Pokemon. Users who are brave enough to walk this path should tread with caution.