
Christians tell Trey Pearson to pick up his cross and deny himself after gay confession

A screenshot of Trey Pearson on "O, Holy Night" music video. | YouTube/Everyday Sunday

Singer Trey Pearson of Christian rock band Everyday Sunday has come out as gay recently, saying he would be leaving his wife and children to pursue a homosexual relationship. Now several Christians are responding by telling him to pick up his cross and deny himself.

"Denial of self is central to the Christian faith. It's a rejection of our stubborn sinful nature that seeks dominion in our lives. And it's a daily dying, too; trust us! Yet through Christ, we have the victory – but we must deny self," the Family Research Council (FRC) echoed the voices of two popular conservative Christian brothers on their Facebook post Wednesday, June 8.

"Faithful believers must deny themselves and pick up their cross," wrote Jason and David Benham in a WND article linked to FRC's post.

The Christian brothers reacted on the revelation of the Christian singer who has shared — in a letter addressed to fans and friends — his plans of joining his first gay-pride festival, pursuing a homosexual relationship, and leaving his wife and children.

"Our hearts break for him – as well as for his wife and kids," said the brothers.

They added that their hearts are breaking as they witness Pearson "publicly surrendering to a sinful struggle that will lead him and many others astray."

Their prayer for Pearson is that he remembers Christ's own words instructing those who identify as his disciples to deny themselves, take up their cross daily, and follow him. The brothers deemed that Pearson's identification through his sexual attractions is "obviously flawed."

The brothers believe that Pearson has chosen his feelings over his faith. They also referred to Pearson as a Christian leader who "deliberately chooses the path of sin."

In the midst of confusion, the brothers noted the importance of bringing clarity to the fold.

"The opposite of homosexuality is not heterosexuality. It's holiness," they stated.