
Former Muslim releases new book highlighting errors of Islamic claims

Nabeel Qureshi, a former Muslim who converted to Christianity, released a new book that highlighted how the beliefs of Islam and the Quran conflict with historical truths. 

"There is no good reason to think that the Quran was inspired," Qureshi, the author of "No God But One: Allah or Jesus?,"  told the Christian Post. "There are scientific errors, there are grammatical mistakes, etcetera. On what basis can a Muslim proclaim the Shahada? There is none," he added.

Screen capture of Dr. Nabeel Qureshi at the Knox Presbyterian Church in Toronto | Youtube/RZIM Canada

Qureshi grew up as an Ahmadi Muslim. His original faith was challenged after discussing religion at length with his Christian friend, David Wood. Qureshi converted to Christianity after years of friendly debates about the historical claims of both religions.

"This friend, instead of just playing dead, like most Christians did, he actually tried to defend Christianity and show me the issues with Islam. It is real easy to do once you try, but no one else had," he said.

Quereshi studied Christianity for over three years then spent another year studying Islam. During this time, he said he found out that the Quran and the claims about Muhammad do not align with historical truths.

Qureshi was disowned by his family and abandoned by his friends when they learned of his conversion. He even asked God to kill him because of the difficulties he experienced after becoming a Christian. Eventually, he overcame these obstacles and he is currently rebuilding his relationship with some family members.

The convert has spoken at more than 100 universities across the U.S., Europe and Asia and has engaged Muslims in public debates numerous times. He holds a degree in Christian apologetics from Biola University and is currently pursuing a doctorate in New Testament studies at Oxford University.

"No God But One: Allah or Jesus?" is the follow-up to Qureshi's New York Times bestseller "Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus." It won the Christian Book Award for "Best New Author" and "Best Nonfiction."