
Majority of Americans pray to God asking for supernatural healing

A recent study revealed that 68 percent of Americans have prayed for someone to be healed by God, while 66 percent believe in supernatural healing.

According to the study conducted by the Barna Group, the majority who believe in supernatural healings are divided equally at 33 percent each between those who strongly believe in supernatural healing and those who believe that it is somewhat possible. About 34 percent of the respondents say they are skeptical.

A hospital employee prays with a patient as part of Adventist Health System's mission. | Wikimedia Commons/Ahs856

The Millennials are the most skeptical among generational groups. Twenty-five percent of Millennials say that they strongly disagree about supernatural healing. Twenty-one percent of Gen-Xers, 14 percent of Boomers and 13 percent of Elders also strongly disagree.

Education also plays a significant role. People who received more education are less likely to believe in supernatural healing. Only 27 percent of respondents with college degree are believers compared to 37 percent who have high school education or less.

Between denominations, 55 percent of the Protestants and 19 percent of Catholics strongly agree about supernatural healing.

Among faith segments, 87 percent of Evangelicals and 61 percent of practicing Christians strongly agree. Only 21 percent from other faiths such as Islam and Judaism strongly agree. Meanwhile, seven percent of those who do not profess any faith, including agnostics, say they believe in the possibility of supernatural healing from God.

Although a majority of Americans believe in supernatural healing, only 27 percent have reported experiencing it.

Roxanne Stone, editor-in-chief at Barna Group, says that this does not seem to affect the belief in the phenomenon.

"The experience of actual physical healing is, of course, less frequent," said Stone, adding, "Evangelicals in particular are more likely to pray for and believe in miraculous healing than they are to experience it, though this does not appear to effect their belief in its possibility."

A similar study by Jeff Levin of Baylor University revealed that about 79 percent of Americans have prayed for their own healing and 87 percent have prayed for the healing of others.