
Billy Graham answers: 'Where does God comes from?'

Preacher Billy Graham talked about the mind-boggling idea that God has no beginning and no end and that He doesn't ever change.

The world-renowned preacher and founder of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association discussed one of the most confounding theories of Christianity as an answer to the question of God's existence. Yet, the question comes from a young kid whose mother directed to the 97-year-old Evangelical leader.

Evangelist Billy Graham to mark 95th birthday with message to America November 01, 2013 11:18am EDT | Reuters/Chris Keane

"God had no beginning (just as He will have no end)," wrote Graham and added, "He has always existed, and He always will. (That's why He had no father or mother.)."

He also said, "I know that's hard for us to understand, because everything we see around us had a beginning."

He cited samples in the universe, such as stars, galaxies, and atoms as all having a point of origin. Yet Graham maintained that God does not have one.

He quoted Isaiah 40:28 as saying, "The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth."

Unlike everything else, God doesn't change nor grows old, said the preacher.

"I the Lord do not change," Graham quoted Malachi 3:6 as saying.

For this reason, Graham said that people can always hope to trust in God because He remains constant in His words and promises.

Yet the most important thing to know about God points back to His great love.

"He loves you, and He wants you to know Him and be His friend," said Graham.

He added that Jesus Christ remains to be the great proof of God's love for His people.

The evangelical leader also wrote from way back that he knew of many leading scientists and intellectuals who have come to believe in God's existence. Graham said these people discovered God because they kept an "open mind" and that "they examined the life and teachings of Jesus Christ."