
'Billy Graham of the next generation' calls 1 million people to gather in DC for change

Evangelist Nick Hall on "Fox & Friends." Screenshot taken from "Evangelist calls for 1 million Americans to unite for change" video. | Fox & Friends/Fox News

Evangelist Nick Hall, referred to by some as the "Billy Graham of the next generation," is calling on one million people to gather in Washington, DC this July for prayer and worship.

"What would it look like, on one day, to rally the entire nation together, not around what we're against — and that's often what we get known for — but rallying people around what we're for, and around the change that Jesus offers?" Hall said during an interview with "Fox & Friends" on Easter Sunday.

Called Together 2016, the event will take place at the National Mall on July 16 and is aimed at gathering people to make a change. Prominent names in the Christian community such as evangelist Luis Palau, Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, and Pastor Ronnie Floyd will reportedly attend, along with performers like Lecrae, Hillsong United, Kari Jobe, among others.

"Moments of historic change [are] often marked by historic gatherings, and so, for us, we really believe that this is a time to shift the nation back to what matters," he said.

In light of people's negative views on faith, especially with the political disagreements, Hall said that they are looking at "resetting the message," as Jesus changes everything.

"We can still unite, regardless of our differences, and we really believe that Jesus is the one that can bring us together," he said.

With regard to politics and current events that have been happening, he said, "There has to be a leader that rises above, and we think Jesus is that leader. Regardless of, really, religion or background, Jesus offers us an example of friendship, of leadership, of character, of integrity."

Hall is part of the National Association of Evangelicals leadership team and of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association student advisory team. He is the founder of PULSE, "a prayer and evangelism movement on mission to empower the Church and awaken culture to the reality of Jesus," although it wasn't what he initially set out to do. According the PULSE website, he wanted to share the hope of Jesus, which subsequently resulted in the establishment of the movement in order to continue spreading the good word. They reach out to the new generation by holding more than 150 live events annually.

Together 2016 is free for anyone who wishes to join. More information is available at Reset2016, and those interested can sign up on the event's Facebook page.