
Billy Graham warns against predicting 2nd coming of Jesus Christ

World-renowned evangelist Billy Graham has warned Christians against predicting the second coming of Christ and advised that people should be asking whether or not they are prepared for the His return.

Billy Graham appears in a screen capture of a video from Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. | YouTube/Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

In a Q&A published on the website of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, the evangelist was asked whether the last days have arrived.

"I'm in my 70s, and I don't think I've ever seen such a confused world as the one we've experienced during this year. Are we maybe living in the last days before Jesus returns?" the questioner wrote.

Graham pointed out that Jesus Christ cautioned against making precise predictions about His return and that only God knows the exact date.

"Jesus did, however, say that the world would grow increasingly confused and dangerous before He returns. He declared, 'You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. ... Nation will rise against nation' (Matthew 24:6-7)," the evangelist added.

Graham said the day will come when Christ returns, and the world will be free from confusion and conflict. He said that the real question that people should be asking is whether or not they are prepared for the second coming of Christ.

"Tragically, millions never face honestly the urgency of the hour or their need for God's forgiveness. Don't be this way, but by faith turn to Christ and open your heart and life to Him," he said.

In September, he was asked whether it is possible that Jesus has returned as a "spiritual guru." The questioner mentioned that the guru was touted by his followers as "divine," and he came to their city to conduct a lecture.

Graham said that he is confident that the guru was not Jesus. He explained that all of humanity will know about the return of Christ because He will come down from Heaven with "power and glory." He said that he does not know when Christ will return, but he warned that it will be too late for anyone to repent and be saved when that time comes.

Graham, who just turned 98 this year, was ranked fifth in the Gallup Poll's list of 10 men who are most admired by Americans. According to the News & Observer, the evangelist has been on the list since 1955, with the exception of 1962 when Gallup did not conduct a poll.