
Are horoscopes against christianity? Billy Graham warns against using horoscope signs to predict future

Billy Graham Crusade in Cleveland Ohio, in June 1994. | Wikimedia Commons/Paul M. Walsh

Billy Graham said horoscopes should not be used as a guide for day-to-day living or for predicting the future.

In a column for an online publication, the renowned evangelist and founder of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association responded to a question about whether it is right to seek the stars for guidance, as it is God who made them anyway.

"God did make the stars (as well as everything else in the universe), but he intended them to be a witness to his power and glory, not as a means to guide us or foretell the future," Graham wrote for The Kansas City Star.

He explained that God "explicitly commands" believers in the Bible to not consult the stars, talk with spirits of the dead, or use omens, sorcery, magic and other methods to foretell the future. These things, Graham said, were not trustworthy and were "deceptive" and can open people to the occult, which is "hostile to God."

He pointed to Deuteronomy 18:9­â€“13, which says, "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead." Such things are detestable to God.

He cited the story of King Saul in 1 Samuel 28–31, wherein he consulted the spirit of the dead regarding his future and did not turn to God, and he eventually committed suicide.

Billy Graham urged believers to put their trust and confidence in Jesus, reminding them of the Father's great love by sending His only Son to give His life as a ransom for their lives.

Graham said God is trustworthy and will guide His children even when the future seems unclear.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association website answers a similar question about consulting horoscopes to discover God's plans for our lives. It says doing such things offends God because "it attributes to planets and stars the power that belongs to God alone."

Using astrology for future direction also opens people to methods that God has not approved. The article emphasized that believers can turn to the counsel of God's Word. God has consistently promised in the Bible that He Himself will guide His people.