
How to ensure my prayers are answered by God? Greg Laurie reveals principles of prayer

A screenshot of Greg Laurie on his video "How to Know the Will of God." | YouTube/Pastor Greg Laurie

Pastor Greg Laurie has preached that the Lord's Prayer contains the principles for getting one's prayers answered affirmatively by God.

Laurie shared on his blog last week that Jesus himself revealed the principles to get one's prayers answered affirmatively more often. This was when he taught his disciples the Lord's Prayer. Although Laurie stated that this was not something Jesus could have used when praying — Jesus had no need to recite the line asking for forgiveness — Laurie considers this as a "template for prayer, a model for prayer" for everyone else.

The second time Jesus revealed the principle was when he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Jesus then prayed, "Not as I will, but as You will."

Similarly, "Your will be done" appears in the Lord's Prayer and serves as a reminder to align one's will with God's when praying, according to Laurie.

"Prayer is not getting our will in heaven; it is getting God's will on earth," explained the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California.

Laurie revealed that this is the first principle to getting one's prayer looked favorably by God.

To determine what God's will is, Laurie instructed, "It is through careful reading and study of the Bible. As you study Scripture, you will discover God's plan, his purpose and his will."

The second step would be to ask for God's forgiveness followed by the principle of forgiving others. Laurie agreed that this one may be difficult, but there's just no way to get around it.

The next step to get one's prayers answered affirmatively would be to stay away from temptation. On the final principle, Laurie points back to one of Jesus' instructions.

In Luke 11:9, Jesus said, "And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you."

Another Evangelical leader, Joyce Meyer, agrees that seeking God's will is essential to getting one's prayers answered. She has one more to add, though. According to Meyer, God loves and cares for His people so much that all one needs to do is really just to ask with a sincere heart.