Hillary Clinton pushing 'radical agenda', policies a 'slap in the face to traditional values' - Concerned Women for America founder says

Democrat Hillary Clinton is pushing a "radical agenda" in her drive for the White House, and her policies would be a "slap in the face to traditional values", the founder of Concerned Women for America (CWA) has said.

Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during her California primary night rally held in the Brooklyn borough of New York, U.S., June 7, 2016. | Reuters

According to Town Hall, author Beverly LaHaye said during her speech at the recently held Faith & Freedom Coalition gala that she founded the organization Concerned Women for America in the '70s after watching broadcast journalist Barbara Walters interview feminist Betty Friedan. Friedan reportedly said that she basically wanted to have America's moral code upended.

"I pledged to prevent Betty Friedan from turning America into a humanist nation," she said.

She then compared Friedan to Clinton, saying that if one listens to the presumptive Democratic nominee, they will hear her radical agenda for the United States, which includes abortion-on-demand -- "a slap in the face to traditional values."

"Hillary is going to wake up women across America," she said.

LaHaye was honored with the 2016 Winston Churchill Lifetime Achievement Award, having been lauded by current CWA President Penny Nance and Rep. Michele Bachmann for her tenacity and courage.

In other news, Clinton has reportedly been criticized by Republicans for changing her tone regarding terrorism. According to Fox News, not only is she now willing to use "radical Islam," she is also taking a more aggressive stance in the campaign against the Islamic State.

According to the report, she expressed confidence in President Barack Obama's way in confronting the terrorist organization six months ago, but on Monday following the Orlando shooting, she said that there is a need to do more.

"As ISIS loses actual ground in Iraq and Syria, it will seek to stage more attacks and gain stronger footholds wherever it can, from Afghanistan, to Libya, to Europe. The threat is metastasizing," she said. Also, "Here at home, we must harden our own defenses."

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said on Monday, "I am confident that she agrees 100 percent with the president's approach to fighting ISIL and strongly supporting this goal of making clear that Muslims in the United States should not be stigmatized or marginalized."