
Jesus appears to Muslims in Middle East and underground Christians in China, says apologist

Miracles are constantly happening and Jesus appears to Middle East Muslims and underground Christian Chinese, said a Christian apologist.

Apologist and New Testament scholar Jeremiah Johnston, who wrote the book "Unanswered" that took six years in the making, believes Jesus still makes Himself seen even in the Middle Eastern world among Muslims.

Photo showing church building with cross | Pixabay

"That makes some believers uncomfortable," said Johnston in his interview with The Christian Post.

He stressed that it shouldn't even be the case because biblically speaking, Christ made Himself known even to Saul of Tarsus. After killing a bunch of Christians, Saul converted to Christianity and became one of the most important figures in the Apostolic Age and became known as Paul the Apostle.

"We don't need to put God in a box," said the Bible scholar. "Believe you me, God can work apart from us."

To prove his point, he recounted his experience during his trip to China where he met an underground Christian missionary.

"He said, 'everything you read about in the book of Acts is happening in China right now. The Spirit of God is at work mightily. Everything you read about in the book of Acts — God is doing today,'" narrated Johnston.

Johnston's narrative resonates with what the unnamed Christian member of a persecuted house church in China said in an interview with China Aid in May.

The interviewee claimed that Houshi Church, the largest church house in Guiyang, is experiencing harassments at the hands of authorities. They also have five church members currently facing trial. However, he believes Christianity in the land is still growing despite the rising persecution.

"According to the Bible, the church grows even faster under persecution," the house church member told China Aid. "In China, even though there is so much persecution, the church still grows."

Johnston believes miracles are also happening all around even without persecution. However, he notes that most people just fail to notice them.

"We don't give God the glory for them," Johnston said.