
Joyce Meyer: Deal with anger by letting it go and instead turn to God

A screenshot of Joyce Meyer as she speaks at LifeChurch | Life Church official website

Evangelist Joyce Meyer believes that anger is best handled when one lets go of it and turns over to God immediately.

"Living in anger is like banging your head against the wall, so to speak, because it keeps you stuck," wrote the New York Times best-selling author in an article published by The Christian Post on Monday, July 11.

The 73-year-old Christian speaker and author believes that anger is a problem shared by most people with the capacity to change a person for the worst. Among other things, she said anger can cause misery, mental and physical illness, and even be an obstacle for prayers.

The founder of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. explained that anger would never work because it's not God's way and certainly not what He expects from His people. In fact, the preacher shared that the best way to handle the emotion of anger is to avoid dwelling on it and just to turn over to God right away.

"The best thing we can do when we're struggling with anger is go to God immediately," advised Meyer.

She said that as taught by the Bible, God is the Vindicator, who will surely make things right or even bring justice to those that have mistreated His children.

Meyer, who publicly confessed to being raped by her father at least once a week until she reached 18 and left home, shared how she herself battled as an adult the remnants of anger from her past experience.

Thus, she shared that committing oneself not to give in to anger, turning to God's Word on what He says about the negative emotion and laying one's trust in God are the ways to overcoming anger.

She quoted Ephesians 4:26-27 (AMPC) that read, "When angry, do not sin; do not ever let your wrath (your exasperation, your fury or indignation) last until the sun goes down. Leave no [such] room or foothold for the devil [give no opportunity to him]."

"Turn it over to Him instead of trying to defend yourself, get revenge, hate people or hold on to your anger," the evangelist said.