Planned Parenthood performed 321,384 abortions and received $543.7M from taxpayers in 2016-2017

Planned Parenthood in Houston, Texas | Wikimedia Commons/Hourick

Planned Parenthood had performed 321,384 abortions and had received $543.7 million in payments from the government during its 2016-17 fiscal year, according to the organization's annual report.

The latest figures show a slight decrease in the number of abortions compared to the 2015-2016 fiscal year, when Planned Parenthood carried out 328,348 abortions.

During the 2016-2017 fiscal year, Planned Parenthood provided 3,889 referrals and conducted 7,762 "prenatal services."

The organization also reported that it had performed 336,614 breast exams despite not performing mammograms last year. It went on to note that 1,182 women had obtained miscarriage care at its facilities this fiscal year, down from 2,073 who were served in 2015.

Over 2.7 million people obtained contraceptives from Planned Parenthood in the 2016-2017 fiscal year, including over 730,000 emergency contraception kits.

There has been a steady decline in the number of people receiving contraceptives in the last five years, as 3.7 million contraceptives were provided in 2012. As many as 3.5 million contraceptives were provided in 2013, 2.9 million in 2014 and 2.8 million in 2015.

The organization saw an increase in the number of Americans testing for sexually transmitted diseases (STD). More than 4.4 million were either tested or treated for STD this year, compared to 4.2 million in the previous year. More than 222,000 people tested positive for a sexual disease, up from 209,9000 in the previous fiscal year.

The report indicated that government funding was the largest source of revenue for Planned Parenthood. The organization's total revenue has reached $1.46 billion, with $543.7 coming from taxpayers and $532 million coming from private contributions and grants.

The abortion provider has earned a $98.5 million profit, which was labeled as "excess of revenue." The latest earnings were up compared to the previous year when Planned Parenthood garnered $77 million in profits.

In the report, Planned Parenthood hailed the support it had received from the technology, entertainment and fashion industries. The organization also spoke about its effort in leading a "two-day interfaith convention with more than 40 clergy and faith leaders who support access to reproductive health care."

Jim Sedlak, executive director of American Life League (ALL), noted that the latest figures were Planned Parenthood's lowest self-reported annual abortion number since 2007.

"In addition to the reduction in abortions, Planned Parenthood also reported a slight lessening in its government funding (from $554.6 million to $543.7 million)," Sedlak said, according to Life Site News.

"Planned Parenthood also reported lower numbers of female birth control customers, emergency contraceptive kits, PAP tests, and pregnancy tests. In fact, it reported that its total number of unique customers was the same as last year—2.4 million individuals," he added.