Pledge to boycott Target nears 850,000 signatures; Christian lawyer to bring gun to store's restrooms?

People are seen in front of a Target store in Delta, British Columbia January 15, 2015. | REUTERS/BEN NELMS

Target's announcement regarding its LGBT-friendly bathroom and fitting room policy has received a lot of negative reactions from those who do not want men to have access to women's restrooms.

To date, the boycott spearheaded by Christian organization American Family Association has received almost 850,000 signatures from those who pledge to not patronize the store chain until changes are made to its policy.

"Target's policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims. And with Target publicly boasting that men can enter women's bathrooms, where do you think predators are going to go?" the petition reads.

A Christian lawyer, meanwhile, said that she'd carry a gun with her to Target's restrooms as protection from those who are only pretending to be transgender in order to take advantage of women and girls.

"I'm taking a Glock .45 to the ladies room. It identifies as my bodyguard. #BoycottTarget @Target," Anita Staver, president of Christian legal organization Liberty Counsel, wrote on Twitter.

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She explained that she wants "protection from the perverts who will use the law to gain access to women" and to have it as protection "from men who take use policies allowing them to claim they are women when their real purpose is to assault women." Some of those who commented to her post expressed their disagreement, however.

One said that this should be reported since "lawyers aren't supposed to go around threatening to kill people," to which she replied that "bodyguards and guns are for protection, not aggression." Another one called it "idiotic logic," while another said that she's the threat for carrying a gun in a restroom.

"No trans-person has ever molested a child in a restroom, can't say the same for Christians and GOP politicians," said another.

However, Target remains firm in its stance and has said so in a statement on April 22..

"We certainly respect that there are a wide variety of perspectives and opinions," a Target spokesperson told Fortune. "As a company that firmly stands behind what it means to offer our team an inclusive place to work — and our guests an inclusive place to shop — we continue to believe that this is the right thing for Target."