'Vikings' season 5 air date, spoilers, news: Ivar weeps at Sigurd's burial, continues to struggle with anger issues

Bringing a bloodthirsty young Viking to war could only ever lead to one thing: more bloodshed. And as far as Ragnar's crippled son, Ivar (Alex Høgh), is concerned, his adventure has only just begun. What other sides of Ivar will be exposed and amplified in "Vikings" season 5?
Ivar's violent nature and potentially sadistic tendencies reached new heights in the finale of the previous season, wherein he ended up killing his brother, Sigurd (David Lindström), in a moment of anger. But then, when the anger died down and the realization of what he had just done settled in, he looked nothing like the chariot-bound warrior who led the Great Army to victory. Instead, he was the image of a fearful young Viking who had just thrown an ax into his brother's chest.
"It's a major, major scene... he would be the absolute weapon if he could control his anger, and that's something he will struggle with, even in season five. He hates it, because he lost control," the 22-year-old Andersen told Entertainment Tonight in a phone interview prior to the season 4 finale airing. He added that although Ivar may have just become more of the man he envisioned himself to be, he would continue to struggle with "that little kid inside of him that is just so angry, so hurt."
Ivar may have been in most conflict with Sigurd than with any of his other brothers, but he too was aware he might have gone overboard when he killed Sigurd. In an interview with Variety, series creator Michael Hirst assured fans that nothing extreme is going to happen to Ivar as a result of his crime.
"Ivar's in a special position, he always has been," Hirst said. "I think if memory serves, season 5 begins with the burial of Sigurd and Ivar is weeping and saying he never meant to do it," he added. This particular scene was briefly shown in the official sneak peek for "Vikings" season 5.
However, Hirst did also say that Sigurd's murder will split the brothers up into different camps, each of which will play for possession of the known world.
"The Great Army has conquered a huge part of England. How do we behave now? That's what season 5 opens with," Hirst went on to say.
Meanwhile, there have also been speculations that the upcoming season may also see the death of shield maiden and the current queen of Kattegat, Lagertha (Katheryn Winnick), at the hands of one of Ragnar's sons. And out of the remaining brothers, Ivar is believed to have the greatest motivation to accomplish the deed and avenge the death of his beloved mother, Aslaug (Alyssa Sutherland).
"Vikings" season 5 is expected to air on History later this year.