
Apple iWatch Release Date, Specs and News


The Apple iWatch has been rechristened simply as the Apple Watch, and rumors have started to roll that it is due to hit stores in 2015. But as far as the specific release date goes, most outlets and tech sites peg it sometime after February 2015.

The International Business Times drawing from articles by Apple Daily and PhoneArena, estimates that if production starts in January the earliest the release can take place is sometime either in March or April of 2015.

So with no official word on production, and very little information about specs until now, Apple has gone ahead and done the next best thing, allowing the fashion forward to check the Apple Watch in the Parisian boutique Collete. In the boutique, the Apple Watch was presented to fashion editors as part of the Paris Fashion Week.

The Guardian reports that in the showing, editors got to try the watch on. Among its rave worthy features are the Apple Watch taps you on the wrist when someone on your favorite list sends you a message. Also noted by The Guardian, is that the wearer's heartbeat can be recorded and sent along with a heart shaped icon to their partner. It also has the ability to send small voice messages via Siri.

As for the look and feel, the Apple Watch is said to be at its best in its rose gold avatar. The starting version of the watch is priced at around $349 while the rose gold one, as per the iDigitalTimes will cost anywhere between $1,200 or $5,000.

The Financial Times' Tech Blog goes further to state that the display of the Apple Watch in Colette, suggests that Apple intends to market the watch as a fashion accessory. ELLE even reported that the familiar line around the block formed to view the Apple Watch on display in Colette.