
'Deadpool 2' news: no actor casting yet, writers Wernick and Reese reveal fans will be pleased with what they did with Cable

Ryan Reynolds as the titular character in "Deadpool" | Fox

Folks behind "Deadpool" keep their promise as Cable, which was originally hinted in the post-credit tag of the character's origins movie will finally make his grand entrance in the sequel. Despite the introduction being almost confirmed throughout the last couple of months, movie writing duo Paul Wernick and Rhett Reese provide some additional insights into the arrival of the mer with a mouth's "frenemy."

The scriptwriters of the first film are bringing their uncanny witty humor in the follow-up movie with Ryan Reynolds as the lead character. And in an exclusive chit-chat with Business Insider, Wernick and Reese shared the process of putting all the puzzle pieces together to make sure that Cable's involvement fits well in their current narrative.

"He will be in the sequel," Wernick stated. "The comic book fans will be pleased. It's going to feel authentic and of the world and tone that Cable was created and conceived in, and I think he will fit perfectly into the Deadpool universe in a way that will excite fans and non-fans who don't know who he is and fall in love with him by the end," he continued.

Apparently, the time-travelling mutant was even considered to appear as early as "Deadpool" given his strong links with the character. But the production ultimately scrapped the idea saving him for the sequel to give sole focus on Wade Wilson's road to being the crude but lovable superhero

As much as the character's debut is very much anticipated, his actor casting has proved to be tumultuous with various rumors popping online. This has resulted in mixed reactions from die-hard comic book fans championing their own respective choices for the role. Obviously, on top of the actor's suitability to the role, his supposed chemistry with Reynolds will also be very crucial. However, it seems like at this point, "Deadpool 2" folks have not yet decided on who shall take on the role as hinted by Wernick and Reese's separate interview with Collider.

"It's intimidating because we have to find his voice, and we don't have an actor yet so we don't know who we're writing for," Wernick revealed giving the presumption that at least the selections process is still on its way. "There's been so many diverse people that have been brought up as possibilities for Cable, and who have not been brought up but we're considering."

Principal photography for "Deadpool 2" is set to commence sometime early this year with a target release date sometime in the spring of next year.