
'Left 4 Dead 3' release date news: 3rd installment of game already in the works?

"Left 4 Dead 2" is the predecessor to the upcoming game "Left 4 Dead 3" | Facebook/left4dead2

The development and release of the upcoming "Left 4 Dead 3" remain uncertain. Game developer Valve Corporation has continued to stay silent about the upcoming third installment of the cooperative first-person shooter video game. However, several leaks have emerged on the Internet suggesting that a new sequel could already be in the works.

According to a report by Mobile N Apps, a screenshot that appears to be from a "Left 4 Dead" game was spotted and said to have been deliberately shown to tease fans of the upcoming third title in the series. Valve's Tristan Reidford is said to have accidentally shown the screenshot of his computer, which has a "left4dead3" folder in it. The image was quickly shared all over the Internet and started a speculation that Valve has already started the development of the third installment.

According to a forum user on ValveTime forums, the revelation could not have been accidental.

"From the pessimist's perspective, this was just a mistake, but it's too convenient that the folder viewport was scrolled exactly so that left4dead3 was shown first" forum member, -smash-, said. "According to Tristan's Valve Developer Wiki contribution history, the image was first uploaded on June 28, and then nearly 24 hours later, after the community had noticed the tease, it was replaced by an obviously Photoshop'd version to remove the Left 4 Dead 3 reference."

The forum member has also stated on his post that Reidford and the rest of his team at Valve have been spending many hours playing the second installment of the "Left 4 Dead" franchise.

"Currently, Tristan's Steam profile says he's played about 348 hours of Left 4 Dead 2 in the past two weeks. Also, Valve has released at least nine updates for the franchise in this year alone."

Meanwhile, a new report by Ecumenical News suggested that "Left 4 Dead 3" may follow the same fate as "Half-Life 3." Up until today, the third installment of the "Half-Life" franchise has remained to be uncertain.

However, many fans are keeping it positive, hoping for Valve to make an official announcement anytime soon.

Stay tuned for more news and updates about "Left for Dead 3."