
'Revenge' Finale Spoilers, Plot Recap: Amanda Finds Happy Ending, But Is She Alive Because of Victoria?

Amanda and Jack seal their marriage with a kiss in a scene from the series finale of 'Revenge' on May 10, 2015 on ABC. | ABC

The "Revenge" series finale aired on May 10 at ABC was entitled "Two Graves," and the graves in question finally and irrevocably belonged to David and Victoria. David shot Victoria, but she still had just enough energy to critically wound Amanda with a gunshot.

Amanda survived, but one of the ambiguous questions of the finale was whether Victoria had a hand in Amanda's survival—was Victoria's heart used to enable Amanda to live?

Responding to that question, "Revenge" showrunner Sunil Nayar told TVLine: "What I'm hearing from people's reactions is that they don't know whether that's true or not. For me, I think that's great. I think that the show lives in the world of nightmares and memories, so for the psychological nature of it, it's good regardless; you realize this is going to haunt Amanda for the rest of her days. It's a fun question for the audience to toy with: If it did happen, what does that mean? It's a bizarrely theoretical cliffhanger, which I hope inspires conversation. I like the debate of it."

Victoria died as a result of the encounter. Several months later, David succumbed to his illness and died peacefully. Before he died, he told Amanda that his life's mission was "complete" and that he loved her "infinity times..."  David died before he could utter the last word,  which everyone knew was "...infinity."

Amanda reconnected with Charlotte before marrying Jack. Amanda and Jack finally had their happy ending. Will it last? Nayar told TVLine: "That's another great thing to leave people asking: What would that life look like? It's strange to think about, because whether they like it or not, they're a famous couple in this country now. She's skirted around the reality of that existence, and he's never even come close to embracing the reality of it. It would re-frame them in a way. Does she drive Carl to school? Who picks him up?"

In the final scene, Nolan was approached by a young man asking for help to free his mother who had been wrongly imprisoned. On this scene, Nayar told TVLine: "One of the journeys he's taken in the show, which we wanted to emphasize in the finale, is that he can stand on his own two feet. He can handle the mental, they physical and psychological, which we saw when he told Emily/Amanda he was going to go after Margaux and White Gold. He said he could do it on his own and you see him do it. The fact that he can stand on his own two feet, that he doesn't need Emily to define him anymore, is what we really wanted to say. It was also a nice little cliffhanger that says, 'Hey, maybe Nolan's going on a new journey.'"

In a final narration, Amanda declared her quest for revenge had ended, thanks to her father's eternal love.