
'Star Wars: Episode 8' spoilers, plot news: How Rey can potentially be a Kenobi descendant?

Now that "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" has officially proved that Lucasfilm Ltd. can go ahead and do standalone films, the time has come to go back to the familiar saga format via "Star Wars: Episode VIII" scheduled for next year.

Rey (Ridley) in "Star Wars: Episode 7 - The Force Awakens" promo still | LucasFilm Ltd/Disney

Following the recent report citing that the reason why Lucasfilm Ltd. is holding back on a potential Obi-Wan Kenobi trilogy, a plethora of possible scenarios made their way online. As it turns out, the company is looking to tie Obi-Wan's story to the ongoing episodic flicks that may have already started when J.J. Abrams chose to have the Jedi Master's voice in Rey's Force vision in "Star Wars: Episode VII — The Force Awakens."

Ridley's recent comments about her character's much talked-about lineage are mostly generous but not giving. The actress does not zip her lips when pressed but instead, she gives answers that in turn have fans picking them apart only to realize that they can actually mean a lot of other things. For example, when Time Out London chatted with the Brit she revealed that she felt like "a lot was answered in 'The Force Awakens,'" at least regarding her origins.

There are just a lot of angles that Kathleen Kennedy and the rest of her team can play this particular reveal. Obviously having Rey as Obi-Wan's daughter is quite amiss given the timeline of all the films. What is possible though is a potential direct lineage to the new heroine of the contemporary lore and the Jedi Master. While the Jedi is often advised to not get attached to anything or anyone as emotions can lead them to the dark side (case in point, Anakin Skywalker), there is no confirmation that Kenobi did not get himself involved with a woman whether during his time as Ben or otherwise.

One very prominent arc that can eventually get tied up is his back-and-forth relationship with Duchess Satine in the "Clone Wars" animated series. No signs of the New Mandalorian leader getting pregnant was specified before she died, but rumors are circulating that she may actually have had and eventually even gave birth. This narrative then leads to "Star Wars Rebels'" Sabine being the two's daughter, who in turn could be Rey's mother. All of this, of course, depends if she survives in the ongoing Disney XD series to carry the Scavenger. This also makes a layered twist with a union between a Jedi and a Mandalore who have had a long history of animosity between them.

Reading more into it, the introduction of the Darksaber in the latest episode of "Rebels" can be a great way to tie Sabine with Satine and Obi-Wan. The black-bladed lightsaber was originally owned by the Jedi Order until the Mandalorians stole it and has been passed on from owner to owner. It eventually landed in Maul's hands, which he then used to kill Satine as a form of revenge to Obi-Wan. Now that the weapon is in the Ghost crew member's possession, it will be an interesting plot arc where her narrative will lead to especially if this particular scenario gets fleshed out.

Whatever way the story pans out, Ridley is excited for fans to eventually find out regardless of whether it is going to be in "Episode VIII" or the threequel, "Star Wars: Episode IX."

"I'd love to see the look on people's faces but with answers come more questions, and there's definitely going to be enough to keep people going for another two years," she gushed.

The yet to be titled "Star Wars: Episode VIII" is scheduled to hit theaters on Dec. 15, 2017, while, "Star Wars: Episode IX" will follow a year and a half late on May 23, 2019.