
'The 100' season 4 spoilers: tough times ahead for Octavia as she continues to mourn the loss of Lincoln

Octavia (Avgeropoulos) in "The 100" season 3 promo still | The CW

"The 100" season 3 ended with Octavia (Marie Avgeropoulos) finally getting some sense of revenge over the death of Lincoln (Ricky Whittle) by murdering Pike (Michael Beach). However, it appears that the warrior is not yet done on her grieving tour as darker days are suggested when the post-apocalyptic show comes back for a fourth round next year.

In an exclusive chit-chat with TVLine executive producer Jason Rothenberg, the show is planning to flesh out the character more moving forward with the perspective of how she will deal with the fact that Lincoln is indeed not coming back. With the high of executing Pike already settling down, it will be curious to see what other kinds of outlet Octavia will tap into just to find herself again.

"Octavia's story in Season 4 is amazing," the television producer teased. "She's got quite a journey ahead of her, and it gets darker before it gets lighter. She's taking a detour into assassin land. She'll do whatever she feels she needs to do to hide the pain from the loss of Lincoln," he continued.

On top of that, Octavia seems like she will not have any emotional support from her brother Blake (Bob Morley), which makes her situation more dire and dangerous. At this point, the narrative can go into any direction with her boxing herself from the onslaught of bad things that went down in her life in season 3. And while fans can continue to expect that the siblings will eventually patch things up because they are still family, Rothenberg says that the healing will definitely take time.

"Part of Bellamy's journey is realizing that Octavia is her own person and that he needs to let her figure things out for herself," he explained. "He feels incredibly protective of her. His identity, in my ways, is wrapped up in her existence. He feels like her parent, and like all parents, he needs to realize that you have to let your children fly on their own at some point."

"The 100" season 4 will be composed of a total of 13 episodes and is scheduled to be back on the CW on Feb. 1.