WWE rumors: Can the WWE bring John Cena as a heel?

John Cena (in green) enjoying his time with fans. | Wikimedia Commons / Delta News Hub

Easily one of the most popular wrestlers in history and there are only a few things that John Cena has left in his bucket list as a professional wrestler.

Having been with the World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) for a long time, Cena has been the face of the organization and has gone on to define his role as a brand ambassador.

Recently, reports revealed that Cena would be appearing sparingly for the remainder of the year as he allots time for his activities outside the WWE.

He is set to shoot various films and some television shows, but he remains clear that his main goal is to help the WWE be known across all brands.

Cena said in an interview with ESPN: "Every single day that I don't have an outside obligation, I will fulfill any commitment that I have to WWE. And I will attach this quote with it that every outside obligation I have is to expand the brand of WWE and there has never been a superstar to say that before."

With that, it is entirely possible that Cena may now take a new role in the company as he is rumored to turn heel whenever he is appearing in the squared circle.

This may come as a big surprise to most as Cena is still a revered superstar in the industry. However, having him as a heel will definitely help the brand in ratings as most will watch as Cena takes on a new role.

Furthermore, having Cena as a heel can help younger superstars get a push as Cena is a big name/

As always, the WWE uses its established and veteran superstars to battle against younger athletes, losing to the youngsters in order to give them a push as they pass the torch.

Knowing that Cena has an allegiance with and is very loyal to the WWE, it is likely he will embrace the role of the heel in order to help the company find a new face for the brand.