Benham Brothers warn parents of 'radical sexual revolution' in schools that endanger their kids

Conservative Christians David and Jason Benham spoke of the dangers that kids and the American society face as radicals launch a new sexual revolution starting in schools.

The prominent Christian speakers and identical twins took to Facebook Tuesday to double down on their opposition to a perceived sexual revolution launched in American schools.

David & Jason Benham, 5 August 2015, 07:52:09 | Creative Commons/Jimothyquick

"From the hippie sexual revolution of the 60's to the gender unicorn today—our school rooms are the fertile soil for godless government agendas," wrote the Benham brothers.

Their post also featured a statement made by former President Abraham Lincoln that seemed to resonate on the current issues of the school system.

"The philosophy of the classroom in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next," they quoted Lincoln as saying.

The brothers also spoke last week at the Charlotte Mecklenburg School system's board meeting, where they urged parents "not to let our kids become pawns in the hands of radical, sexual revolutionaries who don't care about them, you, me or anyone but themselves."

The Charlotte Mecklenburg School Board just introduced "The Gender Unicorn," something which the brothers described as resembling Barney but with a horn, in its adoption of President Barack Obama's transgender bathroom policy. The government threatens to withhold state funds from schools that refuse to allow their students to use bathrooms based on their gender identification rather than their biological sex.

The Benham brothers said the scripture from Romans 1:22-23 seemed to describe the state of descent they find the American society in.

It reads, "Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals ..."

Speaking as a father of five and an employer of several parents around the Charlotte Metro area, David denounced the school's new guidelines that stripped away the parents' rights from getting involved in their kid's gender identification as well as allowing students to choose which gender to participate with during overnight school activities, among others.

He said that the sexual revolution in the CMS policies started when the radicals pushed for acceptance and then asking for appreciation and then demanding for celebration and now forcing participation.