Christian publication deplores 'awful choices' in 2016 U.S. presidential election: 'Crooked Hillary Clinton' vs 'Scam Artist Donald Trump'

The images of U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (L) and Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump are seen painted on decorative pumpkins created by artist John Kettman in LaSalle, Illinois, U.S., June 8, 2016. | Reuters/Jim Young

Leading Christian publication, The Christian Post, has weighed in on the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and has deplored the options for voters in having to choose between Hillary Clinton, a former Secretary of State whose critics accuse of having a blatant and unrepentant history of lying, or Donald Trump, a billionaire businessman whose opposers slam for his often unfiltered and outrageous comments, and who is criticized for his questionable moral character.

The editors of the Christian publication released an op-ed this week that considered both Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her Republican rival Donald Trump, as well as the Libertarian Party's presidential contender Gary Johnson and Green Party's Jill Stein as all "awful choices" for this fall's presidential elections.

On Hillary Clinton, the CP editors explained how Evangelicals should find it extremely difficult to vote for the former Secretary of State as she "has repeatedly not told the truth," and also because of her unflinching support for abortion. Even Clinton's vice presidential pick, Sen. Tim Kaine, reportedly submitted to abandon his long-time support for the pro-life Hyde Amendment. Cecile Richards, CEO of Planned Parenthood - the largest abortion provider in the United States, which is often the target of pro-life advocates - spoke during the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia last month to pitch for the two Democratic politicians.

The editors also dismissed Johnson for not being a "true libertarian" after he categorized religious freedom as a "black hole" while they thought Stein as "too liberal on a host of issues that should concern Evangelicals."

"We believe the only options Evangelicals should consider are to vote for Trump or to cast a protest ballot," wrote the CP editors.

They referred to the protest ballot option as morally valid and one that protects Evangelical voters from being cast off by politicians as a "cheap date."

"If you don't want politicians who woo you before the election only to ignore you after the election, you must signal your willingness to walk away," they said.

They also considered the real estate businessman-turned-politician as the only candidate who is at least offering a tempting "transactional" offer.

"Vote for me," they interpreted Trump as saying, "and I will give you Supreme Court picks and abolish the Johnson Amendment."

Trump promised to appoint pro-life Supreme Court Justices - a major topic that has concerned Evangelical leaders - and also vowed to back the Evangelical community during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland last month.

However, despite touting Trump as the best of a host of bad options, they also did not hold back in casting strong doubts on Trump's moral character and even on his preparedness for the Oval Office.

"Still, if not Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton will be our next president. That's what makes this decision so difficult," they said.

"God help us," they concluded and urged American voters to pray for the nation.