Donald Trump a better alternative than Hillary Clinton, Franklin Graham tells fellow evangelicals & conservatives

Evangelical leader Franklin Graham is still not endorsing any presidential candidate but reportedly told others America is better off with Republican nominee Donald Trump than with Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

A combination photo shows U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (L) and Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump (R) in Los Angeles, California on May 5, 2016 and in Eugene, Oregon, U.S. on May 6, 2016 respectively. | REUTERS/LUCY NICHOLSON (L) AND JIM URQUHART

More than 900 evangelical and conservative leaders finally met with Trump Tuesday, June 21 in New York for an anticipated closed-door meeting organized by United in Purpose and Dr. Ben Carson's organization My Faith Votes. Gov. Mike Huckabee acted as the moderator, while Virginia-based founder of the conservative group S.T.A.N.D., Bishop E.W. Jackson, led a phone conference with fellow Christians afterwards.

According to The Christian Post, Jackson said Graham, who led the opening prayer, differentiated the two leading presidential candidates by describing Clinton as "absolutely no hope" while portraying Trump as one that has "tremendous amount of hope."

"Franklin Graham made this point and it is a powerful one," Jackson said about Graham's remarks.

The president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association pointed out that there will never be a perfect candidate and even presented himself as a sinner just like everyone else is.

"I think he actually forced people to think about how they might be judging Donald Trump," Jackson told The Christian Post.

"It really gave me pause and I think it gave a few others pause too because what it says is that we Christians may be selling ourselves short by looking at Donald Trump and judging his Christianity when there are no perfect Christians," he added. "Different Christians have different strengths, weaknesses and different places in their development and so forth."

The executive director of American Principles Project, Terry Schilling, also told the publication that Graham talked about how God turned flawed people like Moses and David into leaders.

President of the Family Research Council Tony Perkins previously said that the goal for the conference is to get to know Trump and his state policies further.

On his Facebook post Tuesday evening, Graham gave an update on how the meeting went. He shared some of the issues raised and how Trump responded to these issues.