
'Final Fantasy XV' release date news, updates: Trailer reveals powerful spell called death magic

Promotional image for "Final Fantasy XV" | Facebook/ffxv

In a new trailer released by Square Enix for "Final Fantasy XV," there is a powerful spell known as death magic performed by using the Ring of the Lucii. The longer one uses the spell, the more the enemy weakens, the developer said.

The footage that runs for about four minutes shows Noctis use the Death Magic on a number of enemies, like the gigantic ram-giraffe hybrid Arba, who is taken down by the use of the magic. They then move on to several other enemies like Garula, Bulette, Magitek Axeman, Seadevil, and the Iron Giant. However, the trailer comes with a surprise at the end with the appearance of a new monster, the formidable and aggressive Bandersnatch.

While some enemies may take long to be beaten by the spell, its effect on the Bandersnatch, the brand new enemy of Noctis, takes longer. Hence, eliminating the Bandersnatch may be a demanding affair. Square Enix had earlier said it may take some 15 hours to eliminate some of the monsters. This brand new enemy, which looks like a dinosaur, could belong to this beastly tribe.

"Final Fantasy XV" will be launched on Nov. 29 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. A new, more powerful PS4, the PS4 Pro, is also set to appear in November for $400. According to Square Enix, the forthcoming title will be among those that will be enhanced for the system.

One other news about Final Fantasy is the retirement of 24-year Square Enix veteran Yusuke Naora. The upcoming addition to the franchise was his last project, where he served as art director. He was also art director for "Final Fantasy II," "Final Fantasy VIII," and "Final Fantasy X." Likewise, he helped with the HD remasters of "Final Fantasy X" and X-2. Nora heaped praises on "Final Fantasy XV's" ending as the "greatest" in the series.