
'Mortal Kombat XL' Steam release date news: Comes to Steam this October

Promotional image for "Mortal Kombat X" | Facebook/MortalKombat

The fighting game genre has mostly been dominating the console platforms, but NetherRealm is bringing "Mortal Kombat XL" to the PC, and it's loaded with tons of extra features.

According to Geek Tyrant, "Mortal Kombat XL" will be available on Steam this Oct. 4, and a lot of things are coming with the package. "XL" will come with the main game and all the extras found in the Kombat Packs.

New playable characters will include iconic movie monster Leatherface from "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and the Xenomorph from Ridley Scott's "Alien" franchise. The game will also include the Triborg, which is a combination of classic characters Sektor, Smoke, and Cyrax. Also included in the roster is "Mortal Kombat's" mascot for the martial arts style Drunken Fist, Bo'Rai Cho.

Characters from the first Kombat Pack are also available with the package. Players will be able to use other characters ripped off of the big screen like Jason Vorhees ("Friday the 13th") and the Predator (from the 1987 movie of the same name). Tremor and Tanya are characters that are also going to be available. The four-armed warrior Goro is also a playable character.

The game also comes with multiple skin packs. The available skins packs include Brazil, Kold War, Apocalypse, and Samurai. Kold War Scorpion is also going to come with the "XL" package on Steam.

Games from the fighting genre are slowly transitioning into the PC platform in order to bring in more gamers to their community. "Mortal Kombat" is not the first franchise to do so as well. Another classic franchise "Street Fighter" has transitioned to PC earlier (with some issues at first), and the "Tekken" franchise is looking for players in the PC community as well.

"Mortal Kombat XL" will be available on Steam starting this Oct. 4.