
'Spider-Man Homecoming 2017' news update: Is Chris Evans' 'Captain America' appearing in reboot?

Still from "Captain America: Civil War" trailer featuring the news Spider-Man | Youtube Screencap

The latest Marvel Studios major flick, "Captain America: Civil War," is about to be released in North American theaters this year, but another big Marvel project is showing some hints that it will also feature some of the biggest superheroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It has been speculated that Captain America himself, Chris Evans, will be seen in Marvel's reboot of "Spider-Man."

The upcoming "Spidey" movie, officially titled "Spider-Man Homecoming," is expected to hit the theaters next year, and the actor playing the titular role, Tom Holland, has revealed that he wanted to see Steve Rogers/Captain America in his movie. Holland made the statement in an interview with MTV via Comic Book Resources. The teen actor further stated that Captain America's appearance in "Spider-Man Homecoming" will be an interesting and "cool" setup, since the two popular Marvel characters are expected to meet for the first time in "Civil War." However, he also mentioned that Marvel Studios has only begun writing the script for "Spider-Man Homecoming," and nothing is set in stone just yet until the final version of the script is finished.

Aside from Captain America, another "Civil War" character, Iron Man, is also expected to have a special appearance in "Spider-Man" homecoming. News website Yibada has noted the "Iron-Man" star, Robert Downey Jr., is having talks with the studio regarding his possible role in the "Spider-Man" reboot.

Meanwhile, a famous character from the original "Spider-Man" comic book is rumored to make an appearance in "Spider-Man Homecoming." The character Miles Morales has been speculated to appear since "The Grand Budapest" star Tony Revolori tweeted a picture of him wearing a Miles Morales Spider-Man mask, However, the actor made a follow-up tweet saying that the photo has nothing to say about the upcoming movie and the mask was just a "mere present."

Aside from Holland taking over the role of Peter Parker and Spider-Man, Marisa Tomei will appear as Aunt May, together with actress Laura Harrier and pop singer Zendaya.