
'How to Get Away with Murder' season 3 episode 2 spoilers news: Major character dies? Who's out to tarnish Annalise's reputation?

The third season premiere of "How to Get Away with Murder" finally solved the mystery behind Wallace Mahoney's death—or did it? Moreover, who was inside the body bag towards the end of the episode that got Annalise Keating wailing her heart out?

Those are two important questions raised at the end of season 3, episode 1 titled "We're Good People Now." Fans are hoping episode 2 will bear the answers instead of adding them up to the pile of mysteries expected for the current season.

Promotional image for the ABC mystery/drama "How to Get Away with Murder" | Facebook/How to Get Away with Murder

To recap, episode 1 saw some flashbacks detailing what Annalise (Viola Davis) and the Keating Five did during summer break. However, the big reveal of the episode was Frank Delfino (Charlie Webber) seemingly behind the brutal murder of Wes Gibbins' (Alfred Enoch) father, Wallace Mahoney (Adam Arkin).

It wasn't actually disclosed, but according to reports, it was Frank who told Wes to meet his father. Fans know what happened to Wallace during that fateful meeting, so many are assuming that Frank has something to do with the murder, perhaps killing Wallace himself, although it was not shown on TV.

Episode 2 titled "There Are Worse Things Than Murder" will see Annalise fighting for her teaching job at Middleton University even if the Board is seeking to oust her following the spread of Annalise flyers bearing the word "KILLER" on them. On the other hand, the Keating Five will be taking on the case of a battered woman who was accused of murdering her husband.

The episode will likewise reveal who is inside the body bag being taken out of Annalise's house as it burns in the background. The tough lawyer broke down and cried when she saw who was in the bag, and with no face revealed, it looks like fans of the show will have to play a grand guessing game, as each episode following the next one will reveal who is still alive among the characters.

Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter before the season started, showrunner Pete Nowalk said Frank will be the season's biggest enemy. Does it mean Frank had something to do with the death? Hopefully, the next episode will answer that question, as well as who is trying to tarnish Annalise's reputation.

"How to Get Away with Murder" season 3 episode 2 will air Thursday, Sept. 29 at 10 p.m. EDT on ABC.