
'Star Wars: Episode VIII' release date, latest news: Adam Driver teases Kylo Ren's fate in upcoming 'Star Wars' movie

Kylo Ren (Driver) in "Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens" promo still | LucasFilm Ltd.

Actor Adam Driver recently teased that his "Star Wars" character, Kylo Ren, will show more "humanity" in the highly-anticipated film sequel, "Star Wars: Episode VIII."

When the actor appeared on "Larry King Now" last week, Driver was very careful not to give a lot of information away about the upcoming "Star Wars" film installment. However, he did share some of his insights on what the film franchise's fans should expect from Kylo Ren's character development, as well as his probable fate.

During the show, the host read a question from a fan on Twitter, asking what aspect of Kylo Ren that fans will see in "Star Wars: Episode VIII" was Driver excited about.

"This is such a general answer, but humanity," Driver responded to the question. "Even though it's very much a blockbuster movie, and I'm aware of that, there was no taking [humanity] for granted," the actor went on to say.

"There were a lot of plot points that we knew were operating in [The Force Awakens], that we get to explain more in [Episode 8], that make both of them make sense," he added.

In "Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens," Kylo Ren was not just an evil villain or a menacing figure like what Dark Vader had been in the very first "Star Wars" movie. In the seventh "Star Wars" movie, Kylo Ren was revealed to be the troubled child of Han Solo and Princess Leia. Before the end of the film, he ends up murdering his own father, believing Han Solo's death by his own hands would fully realize his destiny.

Aside from hinting on the character journey of Kylo Ren in the upcoming film, The "Girls" actor also revealed that a lot of the inspiration behind the original "Star Wars" film was a response to the Vietnam War, which was raging on back then.

"Originally, a lot of Star Wars was in response to Vietnam," Driver revealed, adding, "And a lot of what I remember talking about with JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson was this idea of terrorism, and two sides being morally justified to behave however they wanted, to get whatever they thought was absolutely correct."

"Star Wars: Episode VIII" is scheduled to arrive in cinemas on Dec. 15, 2017.