
'Vane' release date latest news: Game to launch in 2017?

A screenshot from "Vane" | Friend and Foe Games

The upcoming game from creators Friend and Foe is expected to launch in 2017. The game centers on a young protagonist discovering the environment to unravel his past and future role in the world.

The Tokyo-based game creator — Friend and Foe â€” will be releasing a new game called "Vane," which is expected to be released in 2017 on the PS4 console. Details about the adventure game have been kept under wraps until the official game page was updated.

The game's description reads: "an atmospheric adventure about unraveling the secrets of an unknown land, finding your place in it, and pulling at the threads of the world to make a change. The shifting sands glimmer with meaning, ancient ruins resonate with power, but in the distance, a billowing threat looms. Find your way."

The threat described is a big storm that is bound to come in the game, but what it will do in effect to the gameplay is unknown.

OnlySP reported that Friend and Foe shared details about how they created "Vane" through a post on Made with Unity. "Vane" was initially an interactive art piece that was transformed into a video game, and the developers avoided drowning its players of visual stimuli to maintain the essence of the game.

"Since one of the tenets of Vane is to tell a story through events and the environment, reducing the noise overall and introducing elements in bite-sized chunks has proven crucial to commanding the player's attention when we need it," explained in the post.

"Vane" was introduced at the PlayStation Experience 2016, which was held in California.

According to one of the media companies covering the event, Killscreen, the temples in the game are a source of power that will help the protagonist create change in the world. It is also speculated that the temples can absorb the power of the upcoming storm.

"Vane" is expected to debut in 2017.