
'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' release date update: New trailer video launched

It has been a recurring curse in the video game industry that games based on movies will turn out bad. It could go the other way as well because most video games that get a movie rendition may turn out mediocre or bad.

The turtles are back for another epic movie! | YOUTUBE/Screen Capture

However, the new "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle: Mutants in Manhattan" game that is developed by Platinum Games looks promising. Sporting a comic drawn graphic and with its fast paced fighting style, the new TMNT genuinely looks cool.

The new look and exciting combat mode is all thanks to the game's developer, PlatinumGames, which has also given us beautiful and cool games like "Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance" and "Bayonetta."

Although PlatinumGames has a reputation of making cool-looking brawling games, they had also made really bad games, one of which was also based on a cartoon show and one was of a really successful movie, the "Legend of Korra" game and "Transformers," respectively.

With the game developer having the taste of success and failure, who knows what this new "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle: Mutants in Manhattan" has in store for us.

Good news though, "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle: Mutants in Manhattan" will not only be available for the Xbox One, Ps4, and PC but it will be available to the past generation's consoles as well. "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan" is scheduled to be released this summer.